Clicksor is one of the oldest and famous google adsense alternative which will give you good earnings for your sites and blogs.
Its minimum payout is 50 dollars means when you will get them they will pay you.
* Minimum Payout:
Its minimum payout is 50 dollars means when you will get them they will pay you.
* After How Many Days They Made Payments:
They will sent you money after on net 30 basis.
* Minimum Traffic They Accept:
Don't worry they will accept your blog or site with low traffic how much small amount of traffic you have.You can earn with them.
* Payment Methods:
They will pay you via paypal check and wire.
* Ad Types:
Cpm ,cpc,in text ads,cpv and slidding banner
* Payment Proof:
* Clicksor Earning Reports:
This pic will show you how much you can earn with this network take a look on the image it shows you how much impressions and clicks how much clicksor will pay you.
My Review About Them:
My clicksor review is that they are not so good if you have no adsense account then just use them because they accept small websites.As we know something is better than nothing so it is counted and one of the best google adsense alternative.
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